Date Published : 22 Mar 2022

The celebration of Global Surveyors’ Day 2022 (GSD 2022)

KUALA LUMPUR, 21 March – The celebration of Global Surveyors’ Day 2022 (GSD 2022), JUPEM was conduct Survey Fit Community @ GSD 2022 program on 21st March 2022 at JUPEM Headquarters. This year's GSD themed which is "Responsive Survey Community" was an annual event to celebrate the profession of Surveyor. The Survey Fit Community Program was also attended by YBrs.Sr Hj Mohammad Zaki bin Mohd Ghazali, Deputy Director General of Survey and Mapping II together with more than 100 staff of JUPEM Headquarters. The program was also enlivened with virtual participation through Facebook Live by all JUPEM States. This program was held to encourage JUPEM staff to practice a healthy lifestyle. The program ended with a lucky draw session for the participants.
